Man of Steel is an upcoming 2013 American superhero film directed by Zack Snyder, produced by Christopher Nolan, and scripted by David S. Goyer. Based on the DC Comics character Superman, the film will be a reboot of the Superman film series, portraying the character's origin story. The film stars Henry Cavill in the title role, with Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Michael Shannon as General Zod, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, and Russell Crowe as Jor-El. Man of Steel will launch a shared fictional universe of DC Comics characters on film.
A young journalist is forced to confront his secret extraterrestrial heritage when Earth is invaded by members of his race.
A young journalist is forced to confront his secret extraterrestrial heritage when Earth is invaded by members of his race.
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