2 States is an upcoming Bollywood drama film, directed by Abhishek Varman and produced by Sajid Nadiawala and Karan Johar.It stars Arjun Kapoor and Alia Bhatt in lead roles. The film is based on the 2009 novel of the same name which is written by Chetan Bhagat.The film is set to be released on 18 April 2014.
The story is about Krish Malhotra (Arjun Kapoor)and Ananya Swaminathan (Alia Bhatt)who hail from two different states of India, are deeply in love and want to get married.Now as they have convinced both their parents they now try to make their parents meet and know each other, for which they go for a holiday trip to Goa. But this dream of theirs end as Ananya's parents finds something fishy between Krish's mom and him. Ananya's family end up deciding that Krish and Ananya will not marry each other. But at last Krish's father who was like an enemy for Krish, helps Krish and Ananya to get married as he convinces Ananya's family well. They really have very hard time to convince each other parents and finally get married and have two kids.