Jack Reacher (previously titled One Shot) is an upcoming film adaptation of Lee Child's 2005 novel One Shot. Written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie, the film stars Tom Cruise as the title character. The film entered production in October 2011, and concluded in January 2012. It was filmed entirely on location in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Jack Reacher is scheduled to be released on December 21, 2012, with a premiere at Pittsburgh's SouthSide Works megaplex on December 15, 2012, to be attended by the film's stars and Child. Release date(s) December 21, 2012
- Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher
- Rosamund Pike as Helen Rodin
- Robert Duvall as Cash
- Werner Herzog as The Zec
- Richard Jenkins as Alex Rodin
- David Oyelowo as Emerson
- Michael Raymond-James as Linsky
- James Martin Kelly as Rob Farrior
- Nicole Forester as Nancy Holt
- Alexia Fast as Sandy
- Joseph Sikora as James Barr
- Jai Courtney
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